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2022.7-至今,中科院天津工业生物技术研究所 研究员

2015.9-2021.6,华东理工大学生物工程学院 副教授

2016.1-2017.1,瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学Jens Nielsen教授课题组访问学者

2014.9-2014.10代尔夫特理工大学 短期访问学者

2008.7-2015.8,华东理工大学生物工程学院 讲师

2003.9-2008.7华东理工大学生物工程学院 博士



- 生物反应器流场研究

- 新型反应器开发与应用

- 发酵过程优化与放大技术

- 发酵过程的数值模拟与智能控制技术

- 发酵过程的组学大数据分析及建模





1.     Peng Liu, Ye Hua, Wei Zhang, Tingting Xie, Yingping Zhuang*, Jianye Xia*, Henk Noorman, 2021, A new strategy for dynamic metabolic flux estimation by integrating transient metabolome data into genome-scale metabolic models, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 44, 2553–2565.

2.     Peng Liu, Shuai Wang, Chao Li, Yingping Zhuang, Jianye Xia*, Henk Noorman, 2021Dynamic response of Aspergillus niger to periodical glucose pulse stimulus, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 118(6):2265-2282.

3.     Jingru Zhou, Yingping Zhuang, Jianye Xia*, 2021, Integration of enzyme constraints in a genome-scale metabolic model of Aspergillus niger improves phenotype predictions, Microbial Cell Factories, 20: 125.

4.     Chao Li, Xiaonuo Teng, Huadong Peng, Xiaoping Yi, Yingping Zhuang, Siliang Zhang, Jianye Xia*, 2020, Novel scale-up strategy based on three-dimensional shear space for animal cell culture, Chemical Engineering Science, 212, 115329.

5.     Shuai Wang, Peng Liu, Wei Shu, Chao Li, Huan Li, Shanshan Liu, Jianye Xia*, Henk Noorman, 2019, Dynamic response of Aspergillus niger to single pulses of glucose with high and low concentrations, Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 6(16).

6.     Chao Li, Jiangtao Tian, Weifei Wang, Huadong Peng, Ming Zhang, Haifeng Huang, Siliang Zhang, Jianye Xia*, 2019, Numerical and experimental assessment of a miniature bioreactor equipped with a mechanical agitator and non-invasive biosensors, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 94(8): 2671-2683.

7.     Chao Li, Wei Shu, Shuai Wang, Peng Liu, Ying-Ping Zhuang, Si-Liang Zhang, Jian-Ye Xia*, 2018, Dynamic metabolic response of Aspergillus niger to glucose perturbation: evidence of regulatory mechanism for reduced glucoamylase production, Journal of Biotechnology, Aug 19; 287:28-40.

8.     Han Wang, Jian-Ye Xia*, Zhi-Ming Zheng*, Ying-Ping Zhuang, Xiao-Ping Yi, Da-He Zhang, Peng Wang, 2018, Hydrodynamic investigation of a novel shear-generating device for the measurement of anchorage-dependent cell adhesion intensity, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 41(9):1371-1382.

9.     Ao Pan, Ming-Hui Xie, Jian-Ye Xia*, Ju Chu, Ying-Ping Zhuang*, 2018, Gas-liquid mass transfer studies: The influence of single- and double-impeller configurations in stirred tanks, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(1):61-72.

10.   Ao Pan, Ming-Hui Xie, Chao Li, Jian-Ye Xia*, Ju Chu, Ying-Ping Zhuang, 2017, CFD simulation of average and local gas-liquid flow properties in stirred tank reactors with multiple Rushton impellers, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 50(12):878-891.

11.   Hongzhong Lu, Chao Li, Wenjun Tang, Zejian Wang, Jianye Xia*, Siliang Zhang, Yingping Zhuang, Ju Chu*, Henk Noorman, 2015, Dependence of fungal characteristics on seed morphology and shear stress in bioreactors, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 38(5):917-928.

12.   Wenjun Tang, Ao Pan, Hongzhong Lu, Jianye Xia*, Yingping Zhuang, Siliang Zhang, Ju Chu*, Henk Noorman, 2015, Improvement of glucoamylase production using axial impellers with low power consumption and homogeneous mass transfer, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 99(15):167-176.

13.   Ming-Hui Xie, Jian-Ye Xia*, Zhen Zhou, Guo-Zhong Zhou, Ju Chu, Ying-Ping Zhuang, Si-Liang Zhang, Henk Noorman, 2014, Power consumption, local and average volumetric mass transfer coefficient in multiple-impeller stirred bioreactors for xanthan gum solutions, Chemical Engineering Science, 106:144-156.

14.   Jian-Ye Xia, Si-Jing Wang, Si-Liang Zhang, Jian-Jiang Zhong, 2008, Computational investigation of fluid dynamics in a recently developed centrifugal impeller bioreactor, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 38(3): p.406-413.

15.   Jian-Ye Xia, Yong-Hong Wang, Si-Liang Zhang, Ning Chen, Peng Yin, Ying-Ping Zhuang, Ju Chu, 2009, Fluid dynamics investigation of variant impeller combinations by simulation and fermentation experiment, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 43(3):p.252-260.

作为课题负责人承担国家重点研发计划绿色生物制造项目“生物反应器与智能生物制造”,作为子课题负责人承担重点研发计划合成生物学项目“新型工业微生物全基因组代谢网络模型的优化设计和构建研究”,承担国家自然科学基金面上项目:“多组学整合下酿酒酵母酶磷酸化修饰与异构调节对代谢流调控机制的基础研究”,承担青年基金项目:“基于in vivo动力学分析的波动环境下黑曲霉产酶得率调控机制研究”,以及多项企业横向合作课题。


2019   中国轻工业联合会科技进步二等奖(排名2

2014   产学研创新成果奖(排名1

2018   上海市科技进步二等奖(排名8

2011   国家科技进步二等奖(排名9